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Unlock your potential, Transform your life

أمسية مجانية لأستقبال العام الجديد2025
تاريخ 28 دسيمبر  في الساعة 7 مساءا توقيت السعودية


نستقبل العام الجديد معًا في أمسية مميزة تجمع بين التأمل، التخطيط، والاحتفاء بما أنجزناه وما تعلمناه من العام الماضي. خلال هذه الأمسية، سنستعرض المحطات المهمة لعام 2024، ونستخلص الدروس التي شكلت مسار حياتنا، ثم ننتقل بروح مليئة بالأمل لرسم أهدافنا لعام 2025

سنأخذ وقتًا للتأمل العميق، حيث نحرر أنفسنا من الماضي ونفتح قلوبنا لاستقبال طاقة إيجابية جديدة. انضم إلينا في هذه الرحلة لنحتفل باللحظة الحاضرة ونزرع بذور عام مليء بالإنجازات والسعادة

Get to Know Me

In 2016, I was on a journey of self-discovery. After years of working in human resources and entrepreneurship, I felt that something was missing. I knew I had the potential to achieve more, but I didn't know how or where to start.


Welcome to Sahab Podcast, your go-to podcast for self-development and personal growth! Hosted by AlAnoud, this podcast is designed to inspire, motivate, and guide you on your journey to becoming the best version of yourself.

" Thank you for your help because I started to see things actually change with me and my awareness became different. I am happy to work with you. "


Get the healing book

The Healing Guide: A Journey to Discover the Depths of Your Being

“The Blue Lotus” is a guide that accompanies you on a unique journey to explore the depths of your inner self and reconnect with your true essence. Throughout its pages, you will learn how to dive deep into your emotions and thoughts, and release the trapped energies that hinder your path to inner peace.

This journey is not just about physical healing, but a way to reach the core of your being and discover the strength and clarity within.

Prepare to regain your balance, understand your emotions, and explore the depths of your soul


Read my book

In each of these messages, you present a human story about buried emotional worlds that rage in a person’s conflicts, between him and himself, and between him and his life partner. Sometimes those feelings awaken and erupt, and at other times they surrender to love, declaring its victory.

My Book


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